Neuro Face and Feet Reflex Therapy Diabetes protocol
Either you suffer from a diabetes type I , type II or genetic diabetes or gestational diabetes, face and feet Reflex therapies combined with neuro patches and amino acids supplementation to regulate stress levels and insulin dependancy is a completely safe and natural way of resolving and alleviating symptoms .
- Lower Stress Level: By working on the Central Nervous System and adrenal response , stress is reduced .
- Food Behaviour Pattern: Important chemical processes are happening in the brain and change our behaviour to food.
- Hormonal and Insulin Regulator: Working on the whole hormonal system to reduce insulin dependancy and common diseases related .
Reflex therapy is a simple and highly relaxing treatment method and is performed by stimulating neurological points and reflex zones on the surface of the skin on the face and feet .
Package includes:
- Nutritional advices
- 10 sessions Diabetes protocol Face and Feet Neuro Reflex Therapy with NuCalm
- Diabetes plan for all types ( type I, type II, Pre-diabetes, steroid diabetes..)
- Weekly session is recommended
It alleviate diabetes´s symptoms and help those who suffer from this disease.
- levelling out and steady reduction of the sugar level
- maintain healthy levels & encourage the Pancreas to take over
- reduced stress and improved quality of sleep
- alleviate many of the complications arising from diabetes such as Diabetic eye disease ,Infertility,Neuritis,Kidney disease,Leg problems,Obesity…