Awaken Potential

Coffee Message

What is it?

Emotional marketing?
Loving Intelligence Marketing?
What does it mean?

What if you could brand your name in the most caring and loving way offering a gift?

What if you could share your message with more than 28,000 active customers every month having their morning coffee with low cost advertising?

Coffee Message is the leading edge of Marketing!

Coffee Message is emotional marketing as it triggers feelings of appreciation while creating a win win situation with our customers.

Coffee Message is a customized paper rolled ancient papyrus style, placed next to hot or cold drinks that deliver a quote for the day, a message from the Universe…

Coffee Message is the way to deliver great value to your customer while sharing information, logos, concepts, vision with a low cost, environmentally friendly advertising.

  • Branding your Branch
  • Branding your Coffee Shop
  • Sponsorship

